The magic of Internet-of-things (IoT)

Shuhui Ng
3 min readSep 11, 2022

IoT is formed through an internet network of connected physical devices. The prediction of the IoT landscape by 2025 includes easing of technological constraints as growth further accelerates, there will be approximately 27 billion connected IoT devices.

Ever felt impressed that the ads got just what you need and as if your smart devices just know you? How the platforms integrate so seamlessly as part of your everyday life is the magnetic charm of IoT.

The Effect of Manipulation

Data processing involves data entry, coding, editing and monitoring of the data collection procedure. Which involves transforming and manipulating the entries, answers and responses into statistics.

The exchange of data between different devices helps to gather and create a large customer database. Having a deeper understanding of data analytics helps companies better predict issues which are very important to get better marketing insights and create more accurate digital marketing strategies and tactics.

The Effect of Prediction

Predictive analytics provides insight into consumer behaviour and purchase journey which can benefit businesses by building a stronger, more profitable customer relationships through different online touchpoints.

The synthesised data help the brand to provide a pre-emptive resolution or offer up helpful information to further motivate a customer’s purchase decision. As data plays a huge part in predicting customer needs, marketers can take advantage of predictive insights to drive purchases.

For example, your smart coffee machine identifies that your coffee beans are running low. IoT will proceed to connect you with brands and reviews of coffee beans upon the specialised, need-based marketing through the right medium.

Upon recommending the brands of coffee beans, the customers will start to see the programmed, automated ads and discount coupons at the right timing that direct them to make purchases. This smart targeting opens new opportunities for marketers to drive ongoing revenue and possibly generate customer loyalty through subscription models.


This precise and effective targeting method can save you lots of dollar bills through better delivery of your brand communication without being lost on the world wide web.

Conclusion: The Grand Revelation

Through manipulation of various data points, we are now able to create more insightful predictions as more people start to embrace the power of IoT integrations in various parts of our society, As a result, we want the customers to clap at the smart IoT integration, not spooked out!

Hence, it is important to remain ethical in our approach and be aware of the privacy issues surrounding consumer data so the revelation would not be an issue but a grand positive effect with supporting ROI.

When marketing strategies were integrated right with IoT, brands can expect great returns from this quick innovative solution and cost-effective growing technology.

What do you think about the future of IoT? Share it in the comments below!



Shuhui Ng

I'm a Experience Designer that is lured by the appeal of Medium and inspired by the words of many good writers.